14 days reflection period
We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied, you can exchange or return your purchase within 14 days. When we receive a return, we will always try to find the best solution, so that we can still make you a satisfied customer.
The products of are carefully packed and checked. However, it is possible that you receive a product that is not in good condition or that you receive the wrong product. If this happens, please let us know as soon as possible. We would like to receive photos of the damage or the wrong product. You can do this by sending an email to
Returns renrberegenings
Do you want to return the product? Then you can return the product with a return form. This form is included in the box that was delivered. If you don't have one, you can download it below.
Please send an email to inform about the return, if this is not done there is a chance of a later processing time.
NB! Returns without a return form can be processed with some delay!
The following products cannot be returned and are not covered by the cooling-off period:
- Items that cannot be reused for hygienic reasons, such as Gloves, Clothing, etc. (If package has been opened)
- Items that are damaged or incomplete; Items whose packaging is (seriously) damaged or not present.
Once sent? We will process your return within the following periods:
- When exchanging for another product, we will send the new product to you within 2-10 working days, provided the return is complete.
- When returning your order, we will process your payment within 2-4 working days after receipt of the return shipment.
- In case of a defective product, we will provide replacement within 2-10 working days.
Extra information,
We ship our packages with DHL Netherlands.